Kim hails from the UK. Educated at the universities of Winchester and West London, he’s had quite a varied career. He's worked in retail, in the public library service, in administration and in telecommunications. Made redundant as a result of the global financial crisis, he decided to train to become an EFL teacher and passed his CELTA in 2012. He has been teaching in China since 2013, mainly in the university sector. His hobbies include dancing, water sports, horse riding and rifle shooting. He also collects stamps, coins and militaria.

China Z visa requirements - what the latest changes mean for foreign teachers


Up until 2017, the procedure for getting a China Z visa to teach English was fairly straightforward. When you applied for a teaching vacancy in China, all you needed to do was submit your resume, photo, references as well as scans of your passport...

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10 questions you should ask before accepting a China TEFL job offer


The dreaded job interview – you’re trying to appear confident and professional whilst your heart is beating like a sledgehammer. And why wouldn’t it be? The outcome of the interview could have a major impact on your life. A...

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The ESL teacher’s guide to Chinglish


Nihao! Welcome to China! Today, I am going to teach you a new language which you will find most helpful in your efforts to understand what your students are saying. This language is neither Chinese nor English but a mixture of the two – Chin...

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10 ways to avoid loneliness in China


Loneliness can be a problem for foreign teachers in China. You’re in a new environment where you don’t know many people, you may not speak Chinese and you may not know where the sightseeing spots are in your city. Students are gener...

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Is Sichuan province the most beautiful place to teach English in China?


My first and third years in China were spent teaching at Sichuan University of Arts & Science in Dazhou, Sichuan province, central China. Of all the places that I have taught in China, I have done the most sightseeing in Sichuan. It’s ar...

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How teaching English in China changed my life

Personal stories

We all know that teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) is the chance to get paid to work and travel. But can it be a life-changing experience too? Here are 12 ways in which teaching in China has changed my life. 1. It has saved me from...

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Safety precautions for newcomers in China


Shortly before I left for China to take up my first overseas teaching post, my family gave me some advice on how to stay safe in China. I thought it would be a good idea to share some of this advice. So, whether you're going to China t...

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What to expect in your first week teaching in China


Moving to China to teach English is a life-changing experience.  You'll witness an incredible culture, meet new people, and have the opportunity to travel across Asia. Although adjusting to your new surroundings can take time, if you k...

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Discrimination against non-native English speakers in the TEFL industry


Discrimination against non-native English speakers in the TEFL world is currently an emotive and hotly debated topic in online forums. Does this discrimination really exist though? Look at any TEFL job advertisement and you are likely to see ph...

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